While traditionally the best way to communicate in AHA was the mailing list, now the most common place to find us is on chat. We can be found via a number of private or invite services.

Discord (public’ish)#

  • Invite: discord.gg/yMvbvst
  • Channel: aha-public
  • AHA! Members should ask for role to access aha-private
  • Note: This is a shared server and contains members of Our Spawn

IRC (private)#

  • Server: irc.libera.chat:6697 (SSL)
  • Channel: #AHA
  • Channel key required

Please read and follow the server rules. Do not ask stupid questions like, “How do I hack X” or showing up to simply cause drama. This is a good place to talk to speakers from past meetings about their projects, or to look for feedback on your own talk.


  • All of the above chat methods are linked together. However, the public channel on Discord (#aha-public) is isolated from the IRC and Slack. There is a private members channel (#aha-private) that is bridged from Discord. Only members will be granted access.

How do I gain membership?

  1. Speak at a meeting and socialize.
  2. Ask in #aha-public on Discord for member roles, if you’ve met the qualifications

How do I get an AHA hostcloak on IRC?

  • Libre’s allocation of cloaks is a slow process. You probably won’t.

Anything that deserves a longer conversation, planning, or feedback from more members, should probably be taken to the mailing list.