Our technical meetings are nearly always held the last Thursday of every month, from 7pm-9pm. Traditionally we are always an in-person only meeting. However, due to COVID in 2020, we were forced to adopt virtual meetings as an alternative. As for which meetings will be in-person or virtual, usually you will need to check our Mastodon or ask on Discord. Note that sometimes this decision is made day of and you may need to make sure to check with us even last minute.

When physical meetings occur, the following is useful information:

To access our meeting room, enter through the front doors of Mister Tramps and head straight towards the back. Either the huge sliding door will be open (you arrived early) or it will be closed (do not open it). If the sliding door is closed, head to the left of the sliding door and enter the small door leading to the bathroom hallway. Through the door and down the hall on your right is the door to the meeting room. This is the only door you should use. DO NOT use the staff service entrance to the left of the bar. See the Mister Tramps site for details on the venue. Here’s a map. The bistro is on the northbound side of 183-N, between Lamar and Burnet.

Food and drinks will still be permissible at the meeting, provided you purchase said food and drinks from Mister Tramps. When you are not consuming food or drinks, appropriate masking is strongly encouraged while indoors.

In-person attendees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, measles, and other debilitating infectious diseases.

Usually, AHA! slides a week when it collides with a holiday. This will likely be the case in Oct, Nov, & Dec.

This link is intended to be displayed before each meeting and contains pertinent information.

NOTE: Our parking situation has changed. If you do not follow these guidelines you WILL be towed. Your choices for parking are in front of Mr. Tramps, in front of the karaoke bar (NOT the side), or in the Target parking lot. Do NOT park at the L-shaped strip mall behind Mr. Tramps. Use the image for a reference.Tramps Parking Lot Map Click image for larger view